Search Engine Optimization and Advertising

In today’s net-savvy world it has become common for any business to have a website which they use mostly for advertising their products and services. With the advent of search engines it has become even easier for the customers to search for the stuff online. For a website to be successful its link should land in the first three pages which the search engine brings and the rank of the page should be high which means many visitors come to the site. This can be achieved by applying search engine optimization or popularly known as SEO.

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How You Could be Missing Out on an Extra 50% of Revenue on Your Website

Your potential customers make an instant judgment on you and your business, and coming across fast and professional is essential. If your website loads fast, your new visitors are happy and it’s a great quick win! On the other hand, a slow website makes you look unprofessional and untrustworthy, and it’s extremely tough to turn that negative first impression around.

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How to use one of the most powerful marketing tools for free!

Studies and articles unanimously point out the edge video content has in marketing go back years, and businesses that fail to adapt to using video will fall behind. To a new business, or even a well established one, beginning to implement video into your advertising and social media can be a struggle. Here are some of the most genius way of how to integrate video into your business and use it to your advantage.

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